Chapter 4 Troubleshooting & Repair Series 24-HP Instruction Manual
4-10 IM-24-HP
Pressure Sensor Replacement
1. For local mounted electronics, remove the electronics stack as
previously described. For remote mount electronics, remove
all wires and sensor connectors from the remote feedthrough
board in the junction box at the meter.
2. Loosen the three set screws at the center of the adapter between
the meter and the enclosure.
3. Remove the top half of the adapter to expose the pressure trans-
4. Remove the transducer and replace it with the new one using
appropriate thread sealant.
5. Reassemble in reverse order.
Returning Equipment to the Factory
Before returning any Innova-Mass flow meter to the factory,
you must request a Return Material Authorization (RMA)
number. To obtain an RMA number and the correct shipping ad-
dress, contact Customer Service at:
800-866-0200 or 831-373-0200 in the USA,
When contacting Customer Service, be sure to have the meter se-
rial number and model code.
When requesting further troubleshooting guidance, record the fol-
lowing values first:
f, fi, G, and A at no flow and during flow if possible.
Pressure, temperature, and flow rate