AR-B1570 User’s Guide
Memory Parity Check
An approach that generates and checks parity on each memory transfer and provides an interrupt if an error is
found. This item is to <Disabled> or <Enabled>
Typematic Rate Setting
To enable typematic rate and typematic delay programming. If you disable the typematic rate and typematic delay
programming, the system BIOS will use the default value of the keyboard to control these 2 items and the default.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
Typematic Rate sets the rate at which characters on the screen repeat when a key is pressed and held down. The
settings are 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, or 30 characters per second.
Typematic Delay (Msec)
The number selected indicates the time period between two identical characters appearing on screen.
Security Option
The option allows the user to limit access to the System and Setup, or just to Setup.
System The system will not boot and accesses to Setup will de denied if the correct password is no
entered at the prompt.
Setup The system will boot, but access to Setup will be denied if the correct password is not entered a
the prompt.
To disable security, select PASSWORD SETTING at Main Menu and then you will be asked to ente
password. Do not type anything and just press <Enter>, it will disable security. Once the security
is disabled, the system will boot and you can enter Setup freely.
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop
This option must be set to Enabled if any ISA adapter card installed in the computer requires VGA palette snooping.
Video BIOS Shadow
ROM Shadow copies Video BIOS code from slower ROM to faster RAM. Video BIOS can then execute from RAM.
This makes your system faster.
Cyrix 6x86/MII CPUID
The option is to determine whether or not to use the function of controlling or accessing the Cyrix 6x86/MII CPUID.