SOYO SY-5SSM/5 Computer Hardware User Manual

BIOS Setup Utility SY-5SSM & SY-5SSM/5
3-2.4 Typematic Settings
Typematic Settings Setting Description Note
Disabled DefaultTypematic
Rate Setting
Enabled Enables to adjust the
keystroke repeat rate.
The following [Typematic Rate] and [Typematic Delay] fields are active only if
[Typematic Rate Setting] is set to [Enabled]
Typematic Rate
6 (Char/sec)
8 (Char/sec)
10 (Char/sec)
12 (Char/sec)
15 (Char/sec)
20 (Char/sec)
24 (Char/sec)
30 (Char/sec)
Choose the rate at which a
character is repeated when
holding down a key.
Typematic Delay
250 (msec)
500 (msec)
750 (msec)
1000 (msec)
Choose how long after you
press a key down the
character begins repeating.