SMSC USB20H04 Switch User Manual

4-Port USB 2.0 Controller
SMSC USB20H04 Page 27 Revision 1.63 (03-30-07)
8.4.2 USB Reset
When the upstream host signals a reset, the USB20H04 does the following:
Note: The USB20H04 does not propagate the upstream USB Reset to downstream devices!
1. Sets default address to 0
2. Sets configuration to: un-configured
3. Negates VBUSx_N (where x stands for the port number) to all downstream ports.
4. Clears all TT buffers.
5. Moves device from suspended to active (if suspended).
6. Complies with Section 11.10 of the USB 2.0 specification for behavior after completion of the reset
The host then configures the hub, and the hub’s downstream port devices, in accordance with the USB