Using the Font window 23
Font lock
❏ Switch the font lock on (Enabled) or off (Disabled).
When font lock is enabled, the printer will not allow the font to be changed by
the software application you are using. When disabled, the application software
can control the fonts used for printing.
Zero style
❏ Select the type of zero you want to use.
Selecting Normal prints zeros without lines running through them, while
Slashed prints zeros with a diagonal slash running through them.
❏ Select the international character set you want to use for printing.
The international character sets you can select in this menu are: U.S.A., France,
Germany, England, Denmark-1, Sweden, Italy, Spain-1, Japan, Norway,
Denmark-2, Spain-2, Latin America, Korea, Irish, Legal.
For details on what characters are included in these character sets, see
“Character Sets” on page 60 of this manual.
Char table
❏ Select the character table you want to use for printing.
For details on what characters are included in these character tables, see
“Character Sets” on page 60 of this manual.