Designing SRA Deployment Scenarios
Chapter 5 Creating Your Portal Design 111
Designing SRA Deployment Scenarios
The SRA Gateway provides the interface and security barrier between the remote
user sessions originating from the Internet and your organization’s intranet. The
Gateway serves two main functions:
• Provides basic authentication services to incoming user sessions, including
establishing identity and allowing or denying access to the platform.
• Provides mapping and rewriting services to enable web-based links to the
intranet content for users.
For Internet access, use 128-bit SSL to provide the best security arrangement and
encryption or communication between the user’s browser and Portal Server. The
Gateway, Netlet, NetFile, Netlet Proxy, Rewriter Proxy, and Proxylet constitute the
major components of SRA.
This section lists some of the possible configurations of these components. Choose
the right configuration based on your business needs. This section is meant only as
a guide, not a complete deployment reference.
TIP To set up the authlessanonymous page to display through the
Gateway, add
/portal/dt to the non-authenticated URLs of the
gateway profile. However, this means that even for normal users,
portal pages will not need authentication and no session validation
is performed.