Appendix C
Portal Server and Application Servers
This appendix provides an overview of the Sun Java™ System Portal Server
product and its support for application servers.
This appendix contains the following sections:
• Introduction to Application Server Support in Portal Server
• Portal Server on an Application Server Cluster
Introduction to Application Server Support in
Portal Server
The Sun Java System Portal Server product provides support for the following
application servers to be used as the web application container, in addition to the
Java™ Web Server software:
• Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition
• BEA WebLogic Server™ Server 8.1 SP 2
• IBM WebSphere® Application Server 5.1
NOTE Portal Server runs in the context of a web application container,
which can be either a web server or one of the application servers
mentioned above, depending on your deployment. This chapter
assumes that the web application container is an application server.