Portal Design Task List
Appendix E Portal Deployment Worksheets 175
Reporting • Establish reporting requirements for organization
• Create reporting plan
• Establish reporting team
• Design reports
• Create reports
• Test reports
• Review reports with customer
• Provide information and training on report tool
Test • Establish test plan
Plan User Acceptance Test • Identify user acceptance test manager
• Develop user acceptance test strategy and procedures
• Review strategy and procedures with customer
• Obtain approval for strategy and procedures
• Develop user acceptance test roles and responsibilities
• Obtain integration test scenarios
• Review test conditions and acceptance criteria and revise
• Develop user acceptance test schedule
• Prepare acceptance test log and update with scenario test
Conduct User Acceptance Test • Execute user acceptance test
• Identify and document user acceptance test discrepancies
• Resolve user acceptance test discrepancies
• Re-execute user acceptance tests and track user acceptance test
• Catalog and prioritize known limitations and process improvement
opportunities identified during testing
• Review test results with quality assurance advisors, summarize and
communicate results to stakeholders
• Obtain acceptance test approval from stakeholders
Table E-8 Design Task List (5 of 7)
Major Phases and Tasks Subtasks