Appendix F
Portal Server on the Linux Platform
Sun Java™ System Portal Server supports RedHat 3.0 Linux platform, however,
please note the differences between the Solaris and Linux platforms.
Limitations Using Linux
Please note the following:
• Portal Server and Access Manager must reside on the same server.
• The sample Portal does not support the Linux platform.
• IBM and BEA web containers are not supported.
Configuration files, deployment, and Application Programming Interfaces are the
same for Solaris and Linux.
Comparison of Solaris and Linux Path Names
Table F-1 Comparison of Solaris and Linux Path Names
Solaris Path Name Linux Path Name
/opt/SUNWps ( default) /opt/sun/portal (default)
/etc/opt/SUNWps (config) /etc/opt/sun/portal (config)
/var/opt/SUNWps (data) /var/opt/sun/portal (data)