Error: Could Not Start Domain
This message comes from Sun Java System Application Server 8. The full message looks like
Could not start the domain.
There are no domains.
Could not start the domain.
No default domain. Need to enter a domain.
This error occurs when Sun Java System Application Server 8 is installed on the same system,
and its asadmin command (at /usr/sbin) is found on the PATH before the asadmin command
for Sun Java System Application Server 8 at as-install/bin. The situation is especially likely to
occur on Solaris and Linux systems when . is not specied as part of the PATH variable. Without
. in the PATH, the asadmin command in /usr/sbin is found rst, even when the current
directory is as-install/bin.
Make sure as-install/bin is in the PATH ahead of /usr/sbin, or that . is in the PATH ahead of
/usr/sbin if you access asadmin by changing directories to as-install/bin. Alternatively, if you
do change to as-install/bin to run asadmin, be sure to include./ in the command name; for
cd as-install/bin
Cannot Stop Domain Using asadmin stop-domain
You cannot stop the domain using the asadmin stop-domain command.
Search the server.log le for error messages related to your inability to stop the domain. To
kill a process when stop-domain is not working, try $JAVA_HOME/bin/jps and look for the
process with ASMain.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServerv3PreludeTroubleshootingGuide • November200832