Sun Fire 880 Server Product Notes 3
Required And Recommended Software
This section lists software patches for the Sun Fire 880 server. You can obtain these
patches from your authorized Sun service provider or by downloading them from
the SunSolve Online
web site at the following URL:
The patches in these Product Notes are listed by the Solaris operating system version
you may have installed on your system. For the most current list of Sun Fire 880
patches, search for the Info Doc “Highly Recommended Patches Sun Fire 880” on the
SunSolve Online web site. For patch installation instructions, see the README file
that accompanies each patch.
Required Software Patches for Solaris 8 10/01
Note – The following list represents required patches specific to the Sun Fire 880
system with the Solaris 8 10/01 operating system installed. These patches are
available as of the publication date of these Product Notes.
* Patch 111413 requires the package SUNWsan (San Foundation Kit). The SUNWsan
package is available via the Sun Download Center at the following URL:
From that site, download the latest SAN release Software/Firmware upgrade.
Sun Fire 880 Required Patches for Solaris 8 10/01
Patch ID Description
109962-04 or later FC-AL Disk Drive Firmware patch
109882-05 or later SunOS 5.8: eri header files patch
109888-13 or late SunOS 5.8: Platform drivers patch
111474-04 or later Sun Fire 880 Fibre-Channel Backplane Firmware patch
111412-05 or later SunOS 5.8: mpxio/scsi_vhci multipath I/O modules patch
111413-05 or later SunOS 5.8: luxadm, liba5k and libg_fc patch*
111095-05 or later SunOS 5.8: fctl/fp/fcp/usoc driver patch
111096-03 or later SunOS 5.8: fcip driver patch
111097-05 or later SunOS 5.8: qlc driver patch
110849-08 or later SunOS 5.8: PICL support for SUNW, Sun Fire 880