Installation S16A User’s Guide
2 EDT, Inc. October, 1996
Installing the S16A SBus 16-bit Dual Analog Interface is a two-step process. First you must physically install
the board inside the host computer. Then you must install the software driver so that applications can
access the S16A. Hardware installation is described in the following section. Software installation is
described in the section after.
Installing the Hardware
The S16A board is a single-slot SBus board. To install it, refer to your SBus host computer documentation
for complete information on installing an SBus board. For example, many Sun systems contain this
information in a manual entitled SPARCstation Installation Guide.
Use the following procedure to install the SBus 16-bit Dual Analog Interface:
1. Unpack the SBus 16-bit Dual Analog Interface from the shipping packaging. Do not remove the S16A
from the static shielding bag until you remove all other packaging materials from the area and establish
a static-free work area.
2. Install the S16A in the SBus host, following the directions provided with the SBus host. The S16A can
be installed in any DMA slot.
To remove the SBus 16-bit Dual Analog Interface, reverse the installation procedure.
The SBus 16-bit Dual Analog Interface connects to your device with a cable. This cable is typically device-
Installing the Software
The S16A can run on a Sun workstation using either SunOS Version 4.1.3 or later or Solaris 2.4 or later
(System V Release 4, or SVR 4). The installation procedures differ. Both are given below.
Using SunOS Version 4.1
If you are using SunOS Version 4.1.3 or later, use the following procedure to install the S16A driver:
1. Become root or superuser.
2. Create a directory in which you wish to install the S16A driver. EDT suggests /var/EDTs16a.
3. Change to the directory in which you wish to install the S16A driver.
Both the S16A and your SBus host computer contain static-sensitive components. Install
the S16A at a static-free work area. If a static-free work area is not available, take the
following precautions to reduce the risk of component damage:
1. Remove from the immediate area all materials that can generate or hold a static
2. Discharge yourself by touching both hands to a metal portion of the host computer’s
chassis before you open the host computer or open the S16A static-shielded bag.