Sun Microsystems X2100 M2 Server User Manual

34 Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide August 2006
2. Make sure that the communication properties of the serial port of the system are
set to the default.
The defaults are 9600 baud, 8N1 (eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit), and disable
flow control.
3. Start a terminal session to capture the serial port output.
On a client running the Solaris OS, type:
$ tip -9600 /dev/ttya
On a client running Windows, start a program such as Hyperterminal.
On a client running Linux, start a program such as Minicom, a text-based serial
communication program that is included in the Linux distributions. For more
information, see the man pages included in the Linux distribution.
4. Log in to the service processor as an Administrator, for example:
login: root
password: changeme
5. Power on main power to the server by using a ball-point pen or other stylus to
press the recessed Power button on the front panel or use the following command:
set /SP/SystemInfo/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=on
POST messages appear on your screen as the OS boots up.
6. Start the Embedded LOM SP GUI by typing the following:
start /SP/AgentInfo/console
7. Follow the Solaris 10 pre-installation onscreen prompts.
8. Use the information gathered in the “Installation Worksheet” on page 27 to help
you enter the system and network information as you are prompted.
The screens that are displayed will vary, depending on the method that you chose
for assigning network information to the server (DHCP or static IP address).
After you have entered the system-configuration information, the server completes
the boot process and displays the Solaris login prompt.