SUPER MICRO Computer AS 1020C-3 Network Card User Manual

AS1020C-3 User's Manual
Reset Button
The Reset Button connection is lo-
cated on pins 3 and 4 of JF1. Attach
it to the hardware reset switch on the
computer case. Refer to the table on
the right for pin defi nitions.
Power Button
The Power Button connection is
located on pins 1 and 2 of JF1. Mo-
mentarily contacting both pins will
power on/off the system. This button
can also be confi gured to function
as a suspend button (see the Power
Button Mode setting in BIOS). To turn
off the power when set to suspend
mode, depress the button for at least
4 seconds. Refer to the table on the
right for pin defi nitions.
Universal Serial Bus Ports
Two Universal Serial Bus ports
(USB2.0) are located beside the key-
board/mouse ports. See the table on
the right for pin defi nitions.
Reset Button
Pin Defi nitions (JF1)
Pin# Defi nition
3 Reset
4 Ground
Power Button
Pin Defi nitions (JF1)
Pin# Defi nition
2 Ground
Universal Serial Bus Ports
Pin Defi nitions (USB0/1)
Pin # Defi nition
Pin # Defi nition
1 +5V 1 +5V
2 PO- 2 PO-
3 PO+ 3 PO+
4 Ground 4 Ground
LAN1/2 (Ethernet Ports)
Two Gigabit Ethernet ports (desig-
nated LAN1 and LAN2) are located
beside the COM1 port. These Ether-
net ports accept RJ45 type cables.