SUPER MICRO Computer MIIC-203 Network Card User Manual

Command: /X[S|~xx|R|r|P|0|1|?|D|d|C|c|L|A| |"]..., then Press Enter or ESCape
Enter /X followed by zero or more sub-commands, the [CR]
Response: /XCC(see commands below)[CR]
High Level Sub-Commands:
S = Send Start
~xx = Send Byte (xx = 00...FF)(response = A or N)
R = Read Byte with Ack (response = ~xx)
r = Read Byte with Nak (response = ~xx)
P = Send Stop
Mid Level Sub-Commands:
0 = Send 0 Bit
1 = Send 1 Bit
? = Read Bit (response = 0 or 1)
Low Level Sub-Commands:
D = Set SDA High
d = Set SDA Low
C = Set SCL High
c = Set SCL Low
L = Read SCL (response = 0 or 1)
A = Read SDA (response = 0 or 1)
Misc Sub-Commands:
space = no action
comment = no action
Master transmit three bytes to slave address 0x4e using high level, mid level, and
low level sub-commands.
High Level Command:/X S ~4e ~01 ~02 ~03 P [CR]
High Level Response: /XCCAAAA[CR]
Mid Level Command:/X S 01001110 ? 00000001 ? 00000010 ? 00000011 ? P [CR]