SecurityExpressions Server User Guide
The following three variables will only return a value if statistics are available:
%COUNTPROBLEMS% - number of errors encountered during the audit
%COUNTRULES% - number of rules used to audit the machine list
%SCORE% - the overall score resulting from the audit
The following four variables will only return a value if the task only audited one system:
%IP% - IP address or name of the system being audited, depending which represents the
system in the machine list
%COMPUTER% - identical to the %IP% variable
%HOST% - identical to the %IP% variable
%GROUPPOSTURERESULT% - posture result of the system being audited
A Subject or Message may contain text such as "Latest SecurityExpressions audit located at
My Machine Lists
My Machine Lists
When you schedule an audit task, you need to indicate which systems on the network you want
the task to audit. The way to do that is to compile a machine list. A machine list collects in one
place the names of the systems you want to audit in one session. Once you compile one or more
machine lists, you can assign them to audit tasks.
In machine lists, systems are indicated by their system name or IP address. A machine list might
include all systems in an organization, a department, a geographic territory, domain, or the entire
From the My Machine Lists page you add, edit, or delete a machine list. These machine lists,
unlike any machine lists created in the console application (global machine lists), are secure
personal lists. You must be logged in as the same user that created a list in order to use it,
unless you belong to a Windows User Group listed in the Edit Private Items field in the Item
Rights options.
Tip: When you schedule an audit, you can use either the machine lists created on this page or
machine lists created in the console application (global machine lists). If all the machine lists you
want to use were already created in the console, you do not have to create any machine lists
The table at the top of the My Machine Lists page contains the following information:
Column Description
Edit Click this link to edit the machine list in this row.
Delete Click this link to delete the machine list in this row.
Name Name of the machine list.
Member Count The number of systems that are members of this machine list.