LS 400Xi Product Reference Guide
Hardware Handshaking (Cont’d)
RTS/CTS Option 3
When Option 3 is selected, the scanner asserts RTS prior to any data transmission, regardless
of the state of CTS. The scanner waits up to 2 seconds (default) for CTS to be asserted. If CTS
is not asserted during this time, the scanner issues an error indication and discards the data.
The scanner deasserts RTS when transmission is complete.
Software Handshaking
This parameter offers control of the data transmission process in addition to, or instead of,
that offered by hardware handshaking. There are five options.
If Software Handshaking and Hardware Handshaking are both enabled, Hardware
Handshaking takes precedence.
When this option is selected, data is transmitted immediately.
When this option is selected, after transmitting data, the scanner expects either an ACK or
NAK response from the host. Whenever a NAK is received, the scanner transmits the same
data again and waits for either an ACK or NAK. After three unsuccessful attempts to send
data when NAKs are received, the scanner issues an error indication and discards the data.