Chapter 1 Getting Started
Connecting a Terminal or Computer to the 58502A
User’s Guide 1-7
To Configure Terminal Communications for
NT 4.0
95-Based PC
1 In the NT (or Windows 95) main window, click the Start button then
select Programs.
2 Select Accessories, Hyperterminal, and Hyper Terminal.
The Connection Description dialog box is displayed.
3 In the “Name” window, type 58502A (for example), select one of the icons
(the first one will do), then click OK.
The Connect To dialog box is displayed.
4 In the “Connect using” window, select the appropriate port or
connector (COM1 or COM2), then click OK.
The COM1 (or COM2) Properties dialog box is displayed. This dialog
box allows you to configure the RS-232 port of your PC.
5 Set the RS-232 port of your PC to match the following default values:
Baud rate (Bits per second): 9600
Parity: None
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Pace (flow control): None
NOTE The RS-232 port configurations of the 58502A and the PC must be the
same for communications between the two. If the 58502A is being
powered up for the first time, set your PC to match the factory default
values listed above.
If an error-number prompt (E-xxx>) or no scpi> prompt is displayed
after pressing Return (or Enter) on your PC, the default values of the
58502A have been modified. See the subsections “Making Changes to
the Serial Port Settings (If Needed)” and “Determining the Serial Port
Settings” on page 3-8 in Chapter 3 for more information.
6 Click OK.
7 Next, perform the power-up procedure described in the section
“Powering Up the Distribution Amplifier” on page 1-9.