Tascam IF-DM Computer Hardware User Manual

Detailed Description
CARD Status
This can display one of the following:
“OK”, “OK (Backup)”, “Not Ready” or “Booting …”
MKII is running.
OK (Backup) The IF-FW/DM
MKII is running from its
safety boot feature. This can occur when a firmware update to
the IF-FW/DM
MKII has failed and you select the safety boot
feature as described in the Appendix. In this case, the update
should be attempted again.
Not Ready The IF-FW/DM
MKII is partly running and
will be ready shortly.
Booting … The IF-FW/DM
MKII is starting up after a
software change or power cycle, it should take only a few
seconds to finish. If the card status remains on this setting for a
long time, e.g. over a minute, first try turning off the power to
the mixer and checking again, then go to the section on “Safety
Software Backup” to select the permanent backup software
image that is stored in the IF-FW/DM
1394 Status
This can display one of the following:
“Locked”, “Bad Channel Count”, “Illegal FS”, “No Cable”,
“Driver Offline”, “Driver Not Locked”, “FS Mismatch”, “Not
From this information, it is usually possible to determine whether
your computer is configured to use the IF-FW/DM
MKII correctly
without going over to the computer’s DAW setup or
MKII control
Locked The Driver is passing audio correctly
between the computer and the IF-FW/DM
Bad Channel Count The Mixer specified an unsupported
channel configuration. Try turning off the power to the
mixer and restarting.