E-DOC-CTC-20090708-0001 v1.0
5 Internet Security
5.2 Parental Control
The Thomson Gateway allows you to deny access to specific web sites.
Access Denied page
When a user tries to access a page that is being blocked, the following page is displayed:
Address-based filtering
With address-based filtering (or URL-filtering) you can block web sites based on their address (for example
To configure address-based filtering:
1 Browse to the Thomson Gateway GUI.
2 On the Toolbox menu, click Parental Control.
3 On the Navigation bar, click Configure.
4 Make sure that the Use Address-Based Filter check box is selected.
5 In the Action for Unknown Sites, select:
Allow as the default rule if you want to allow access to all web sites and manually specify which web
sites may not be accessed.
Block as the default rule if you want to deny access to all web sites and manually specify a number of
web sites that may be accessed.
6 Click Apply.
7 If you want to make exceptions for specific web sites, add the necessary rules in the address-based filter.
With the address-based filter you can:
Deny access to a specific web site.
Allow access to a specific web site.
Redirect a web site.
Redirect all web sites.