The nC1 is a sub-micro, or nano-sized drive with a full range of features to meet the
needs of nearly any user. The nC1 is designed to be a simple drop in replacement for a
starter on an existing project or as a new installation. Either way, the nC1’s small size
and full featured design make it a perfect choice for your application.
An Easy Choice
The nC1 drive comes with either single-phase or three-phase input with input voltage
ratings as low as 120 V. This makes it an excellent choice for small OEM applications.
The single-phase input means that the nC1 can be used in applications that were
previously too cost-prohibitive to install a three-phase drive. All nC1’s have a three-
phase 230 V output.
Models and Applicable Motors
Simple to Install
The nC1 is designed to be a drop-in replacement for a starter. The terminal
arrangements for input and output power are even set up like a starter. Side-by-
side mounting and the unit’s vertical construction allow for a smaller footprint.
The nC1 provides better control of your application, more protection for your motor,
and more room in your cabinet.
Sub-Micro Drive