ConfigFree Utilities
5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3
If a problem, or potential problem, is detected, a triangle
containing an exclamation point appears in the Connectivity
Doctor screen and an orange frame describes the relevant
location. You can then view a possible cause and solution for
the problem by clicking the exclamation point.
For example, if the connection to a wireless network cannot
be established because the wireless communication switch is
turned off, an exclamation point appears next to the wireless
communication switch. Clicking the exclamation point
displays a description of the problem and a solution.
The following checkboxes and buttons are provided on the
Connectivity Doctor screen:
Stay on the task
When checked, the ConfigFree icon resides in
the system tray.
Options Displays ConfigFree setting screen.
Log Lets you create a diagnostic log, view a history of
log files, or delete the history. Log files are saved
as CFhtmlxxxxx.htm, where xxxxx is the creation
date and time. They reside in the folder:
C;\Documents and Settings\username\Local
About Displays the version of Connectivity Doctor.
Help Displays online help.
Close Closes the Connectivity Doctor screen.