8-06 Reset Control Timeout
Option: Function:
This parameter is active only when the choice
Hold set-up
[0] has been
selected in par.8-05
End-of-Timeout Function.
[0] * Do not reset Retains the set-up specified in par.8-04
Control Timeout Function, [Select
set-up 1-4] following a control timeout.
[1] Do reset Returns the adjustable frequency drive to the original set-up following a
control word timeout. When the value is set to
Do reset
[1], the adjustable
frequency drive performs the reset and then immediately reverts to the
Do not reset
[0] setting.
8-07 Diagnosis Trigger
Option: Function:
This parameter has no function for LonWorks.
[0] * Disable
[1] Trigger on alarms
[2] Trigger alarm/warn.
8-10 Control Profile
Option: Function:
Select the interpretation of the control and status words corresponding
to the installed serial communication bus. Only the selections valid for
the serial communication bus installed in slot A will be visible in the
keypad display.
[0] * FC profile
[1] PROFIdrive profile
[5] ODVA
[7] CANopen DSP 402
8-30 Protocol
Option: Function:
Protocol selection for the integrated FC (standard) Port (RS485) on the
control card.
Parameter group 8-7* is only visible when Adjustable Frequency Drive
Option [9] is chosen.
[0] * FC
Communication according to the FC protocol as described in the TR200
Design Guide, RS 485 Installation and Set-up
[1] FC MC
Same as
[0] but to be used when downloading SW to the adjustable
frequency drive or uploading dll file (covering information regarding pa-
rameters available in the adjustable frequency drive and their inter-
dependencies) to Trane Drive Utility, TDU.
[2] Modbus RTU Communication according to the Modbus RTU protocol as described in
the TR200
Design Guide, RS 485 Installation and Set-up
[3] Metasys N2 Communication protocol. The N2 software protocol is designed to be
general in nature in order to accommodate the unique properties each
6-4 TR200 BACnet