Restore all IDs
To unlock all locked out IDs at once, follow these steps:
1. Press and hold
until you hear two
short beeps.
2. Press to unlock all
the IDs at once.
Note: If you unlock all the IDs, then the Scan List
Memory mode displays. Press to scan the IDs
stored in your Scan Lists or press to return to
the Search mode. For information about Scan Lists
see page 48.
3. Press to return to
the Search mode.
Searching Tips
ID Delay Mode
Use the key to select the Delay mode if it’s not
active. This mode holds an ID for 5 seconds while
you wait for a reply. Other groups may use the
system, but your scanner will only look for the ID in
the display.
Note: If you consistently miss responses while in
ID Delay mode, you may need to change the
default system type or change the fleet map you’re
using if you’re trying to track a Motorola Type I
system. For Motorola Type II or EDACS, if you’re
missing pieces of conversations, you’ve likely left
out one or more of the frequencies used by
the system.
C:\Manuals\BC245 VA\BC245 VA rev.vp
Fri Nov 12 10:32:15 1999
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen