Feature Highlights
Trunk Tracking – Follow UHF High Band UHF
800/900 MHz trunked public safety and public
service systems just as if conventional two-way
communications were used.
Multi-Track – Track more than one trunking
system at a time and scan conventional and
trunked systems at the same time.
300 Channels – Program one frequency into each
channel. You must have at least one channel
programmed to use the Scan mode.
12 Bands, 10 Banks – Includes 12 bands, with
Aircraft and 800 MHz. 10 banks with 30 channels
each are useful for storing similar frequencies to
maintain faster scanning cycles or for storing all
the frequencies of a trunked system.
29 MHz-956 MHz – Indicates the range of
frequencies that can be searched within the bands
of your scanner.
Note: The frequency coverage is not continuous
and excludes the cellular band.
10 Priority Channels – You can assign one
priority channel in each bank. Assigning a priority
channel allows you to keep track of activity on your
most important channel(s) while monitoring other
channels for transmissions.
Preprogrammed Service (SVC) Scan – Allows
you to toggle through preprogrammed police,
fire/emergency, railroad, aircraft, marine, and
weather frequencies.
Unique Data Skip – Allows your scanner to skip
unwanted data transmissions and reduces birdies.
Memory Backup – If the battery completely
discharges or if power is disconnected, the
frequencies programmed in your scanner are
retained in memory.
Manual Channel Access – Go directly to any
LCD Back Light – An LCD light remains on for 15
seconds when is pressed.
Autolight – Automatically turns the light on when it
finds a transmission.
C:\Manuals\BC245 VA\BC245 VA rev.vp
Fri Nov 12 10:31:24 1999
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen