Color Mode
There are many factory presets optimized for various types of images.
• Brightest: Maximizes the brightness of the projected image. This mode is suitable
for environments where extra-high brightness is required.
• PC: Is designed for presentations under daylight environment to match PC and
notebook coloring.
• Game: Is appropriate for playing games.
• Movie: Is appropriate for playing colorful movies. This mode is suitable for viewing
in a blackened (little light) environment
• ViewMatch: Switches between high brightness performance and accurate color
• User 1:Memorize user 1 defined settings.
• User 2:Memorize user 2 defined settings.
• White Board:For white projection screen type.
• DICOM SIM:.Recommended for DICOM format files in simulation mode.
• Green Board:For green projection screen type.
• DCIM SIM option is only for training or reference. It not used for actual diagnosis.
• DICOM represents for the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. This is a
standard created by the American College of Radiology and the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association. This standard specifies the method of digital image data to
be transferred from one system to another.
Reference Mode
Select a picture mode that best suits your need for the image quality and further fine-
tune the image. This function is only available when User 1 or User 2 is selected.
• Brightest: Maximizes the brightness of the projected image. This mode is suitable
for environments where extra-high brightness is required.
• PC: Is designed for presentations under daylight environment to match PC and
notebook coloring.
• Game: Is appropriate for playing games.
• Movie: Is appropriate for playing colorful movies. This mode is suitable for viewing
in a blackened (little light) environment
• ViewMatch: Switches between high brightness performance and accurate color
Brighten or darken the image.
Set the difference between light and dark areas.