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• Then press the tool’s eraser to the tablet—the SWITCHES state and PRESSURE value will change.
RESSURE should change from approximately 0% with no pressure applied to approximately 100%
when full pressure is applied.)
• For the airbrush, move the fingerwheel forward—the W
HEEL value should decrease to a value of
approximately 0 when the fingerwheel is all the way forward. Move the fingerwheel backward—the
HEEL value should increase to approximately 1000 when the fingerwheel is all the way back.
4. Test tilt for the x-axis by moving the Intuos2 Pen or Airbrush from a vertical position toward the right;
the X T
ILT value should change from approximately 0 to +60 (0 to +50 for Intuos2 4x5/A6 tablets).
Now move the tool to the left of vertical; the X T
ILT value should change from approximately 0 to -60
(0 to -50 for Intuos2 4x5/A6 tablets).
5. Test tilt for the y-axis by moving the Intuos2 Pen or Airbrush from a vertical position toward the bottom
of the tablet; the Y T
ILT value should change from approximately 0 to +60 (0 to +50 for Intuos2 4x5/A6
tablets). Now move the tool toward the top of the tablet; the Y T
ILT value should change from
approximately 0 to -60 (0 to -50 for Intuos2 4x5/A6 tablets).
6. When you are done, click on the C
LOSE button to exit the dialog box.