Watlow Electric Revision 5 Computer Hardware User Manual

4.1.1 Other RS-232 Lines
Some host computers or other RS-232 devices use additional communication lines
that are not required by the SYSTEM 32. These include:
RTS - Ready to Send DSR - Data Set Ready
CTS - Clear To Send DTR - Data Terminal Ready
If the host computer uses RTS and CTS or DSR and DTR, these lines should be
connected together in pairs [or as shown in the computer manual]. Normally this is
done in the RS-232 connector hood at the host computer. Alternately the effect of
these lines can be eliminated in software. The ANAFAZE SYSTEM 32 is ready to
receive data; therefore these lines are not required.
The current loop interface is located on the processor module A32-PIOM. Current
loop is recommended for longer cable runs and noisy environments. The
ANAFAZE SYSTEM 32 current loop is optically isolated. It uses an external
power supply for the current loop which is normally included in the device
communicating with the SYSTEM 32. Consult ANAFAZE for recommendations.
Computer SYSTEM 32
RX+ TX+ #1
RX- TX- #2
TX+ RX+ #3
TX- RX- #4
Computer SYSTEM 32 [1] SYSTEM 32 [2] Last SYSTEM 32
RX+ TX+ #1 TX+ #1 TX+ #1
RX- TX- #2 TX- #2 TX- #2
TX+ RX+ #3 RX+ #3 RX+ #3
TX- RX- #4 RX- #4 RX- #4