WiebeTech LLC
5.4 Create dedicated cache
Each UDV will be associated with one specific cache volume (CV) to execute the
data transaction, whether it’s a global CV or a dedicated CV. Each CV can be
assigned a different size. Unless specified, each UDV will use the default global
cache volume. A dedicated cache volume must be created prior to setting up an
UDV with the dedicated cache.
The total cache size will depend on the size of the RAM installed. By default, the
total cache size is set to global cache. To create a dedicated cache volume, the
desired CV size must first be determined then subtracted from the global cache.
Resize the global cache by subtracting the amount needed for the CV. Finally
create a new CV by setting the remainder cache to the new CV.
Figure 5.4.1
1. Enter Volume config.
2. Enter Cache volume.
3. If no more free space remaining for creating a new dedicated cache
volume, cut down the global cache size first by clicking
in the size
column. After resizing, click
to return to cache volume
4. Click
to enter the setup page.
5. Fill in the desired size and click .
6. Done.
The minimum global cache volume size should be no less than
40MB. The minimum dedicated cache volume size should be no less
than 20MB.
ProSATA SS8 User Manual - 34 -