
Power Supply Operation
48 Operating Manual for Multichannel Functionality (GPIB-M)
Power Supply Operation
This section describes how to configure and operate the power supply.
For a complete list of commands and remote functionality, see Appendix B. “SCPI
Command Reference”. Read “Understanding SCPI Commands” on page 99 for a
better understanding of SCPI commands.
Almost every command setting can be queried to return the current setting. The
query is given by appending a “?” to the command header (the command, minus any
A SCPI command is provided to change the remote/local mode. (GPIB can also use
IEEE 488-1 functions to change modes.)
LOC: go to local mode operation
REM: go to remote mode operation
RWL: remote with local lockout. Go to remote mode operation with local mode
locked out. With RWL set, the user cannot return to local mode via the front
panel. RWL is only valid for XFR/XHR series power supplies. Local lockout
will not allow the user to return the power supply to local operation using the
front panel LOCAL button.
To query to remote mode:
XFR and XHR series power supplies have a LOCAL key that allows you to shift
control to local mode except if the power supply has Local Lockout (LLO) active.
Changing the remote/local state:
When entering local mode, the option card will clear all protections and re-enable the
bridge since software protections cannot be cleared at the front panel. When
returning to remote, the command shutdown will be reasserted if it was set when the
unit was last in remote mode.
Software protection settings and configurations (over voltage, under voltage, over
current and under current levels, and AC Fail, over temperature and fold
configurations) are ignored while in local mode.