
Terminal Configuration
M370078-06 2-23
3. Click the ASCII Setup button.
The ASCII Setup dialog box will appear as shown in Figure 2-26.
4. Verify that the ASCII Sending and ASCII Receiving boxes are
checked as shown in Figure 2-26.
5. Click OK.
Establishing Communication with the Power Supply
To establish communication with the power supply:
1. In the main HyperTerminal window, click Call. See Figure 2-27.
2. To verify that the XG unit is connected and functioning, type the
following command "*ADR <#>;*IDN?" where the
<#> should
be replaced by the address assigned to the power supply in the
“Selecting ENET as the Communication Port” on page 2–17.
3. Verify that the XG unit responds with the ID string.
4. To save your session for future use, click File > Save As….
See Figure 2-28.
Figure 2-26
ASCII Setup Dialog Box