Operator Interface
152379 Rev C 2–13
The Read-by-ID feature supports the ability of the user to view any Read or Write
parameter available within the menu structure. It also provides a means to view
data logging and accumulated values information. See Table 2-2 for a list of the
Read Menu parameters. See Table 2-3 for a list of data logging menu parameters.
See Table 2-4 for a list of accumulated values parameters.
To use the Read-by-ID Feature:
1. From the Standard Display, press the \/ key three times to scroll downward
through the menu to the Read-by-ID Menu item. Stop when the 3rd and 4th
line of the display change as shown in Figure 2-6.
2. Press <E
NTER> to enter the Read-by-ID feature.
3. Use the keypad to enter the ID number of the Data Log Configuration or
Accumulated Value ID number and press <E
NTER>. See Table 2-2 for a list of
EAD Menu items and their ID numbers.
a) Press the “.” button to move upward in the Menu structure.
b) Press the “-” to move backward in the menu structure. These keys only
function in the Read-by-ID feature.
Figure 2-6
Read-by-ID Feature
System: Shutdown
Inv: Standby
Hit ENTER or "." "-"
Value by ID#
System: Shutdown
Inv: Standby
Hit ENTER or "." "-"
Read ID# xxx: xxx
Press <ENTER> when this
screen appears to access the
Read-by-ID feature.
Use the keypad to enter the desired
ID number and press <
The display will change as shown and will
show the requested value.
xxx = any Menu ID
xxx = operational value of Menu ID
Use the “.” and “-” buttons to scroll backward
and forward within the Read-by-ID menu.