• Event Action. The action that occurred. For definitions of these actions, see the section called “Audit
Log Event Names”.
• Succeeded. This provides that status of the action (that is, whether or not it was successful).
Audit Log Event Names
The following table defines some events that appear frequently in the XenServer Audit Log report. For
additional event definitions, see the events section of the Citrix XenServer Management API
Event Name Definition
task.create Created a new task object.
task.destroy Destroyed the task object.
SR.destroy Destroyed the storage repository.
VM.start Started a virtual machine.
http/get_audit_log Gets Audit Log.
pool.retrieve_wlb_recommendations Somebody retrieved the Workload Balancing
recommendations for this pool.
Pool Health
The pool health report displays the percentage of time a resource pool and its hosts spent in four different
threshold ranges: Critical, High, Medium, and Low. You can use the Pool Health report to evaluate the
effectiveness of your performance thresholds.
A few points about interpreting this report:
• Resource utilization in the Average Medium Threshold (blue) is the optimum resource utilization
regardless of the placement strategy you selected. Likewise, the blue section on the pie chart indicates
the amount of time that host used resources optimally.
• Resource utilization in the Average Low Threshold Percent (green) is not necessarily positive. Whether
Low resource utilization is positive depends on your placement strategy. For example, if your placement
strategy is Maximum Density and most of the time your resource usage was green, Workload Balancing
might not be fitting the maximum number of virtual machines possible on that host or pool. If this is the
case, you should adjust your performance threshold values until the majority of your resource utilization
falls into the Average Medium (blue) threshold range.
• Resource utilization in the Average Critical Threshold Percent (red) indicates the amount of time average
resource utilization met or exceeded the Critical threshold value.
If you double-click on a pie chart for a host's resource usage, XenCenter displays the Host Health History
report for that resource (for example, CPU) on that host. Clicking the Back to Parent Report toolbar button
returns you to the Pool Health history report.
If you find the majority of your report results are not in the Average Medium Threshold range, you probably
need to adjust the Critical threshold for this pool. While Workload Balancing provides default threshold
settings, these defaults are not effective in all environments. If you do not have the thresholds adjusted to
the correct level for your environment, Workload Balancing's optimization and placement recommendations
might not be appropriate. For more information, see the section called “Changing the Critical Thresholds”.