You can use grep to filter the sr-probe output to just the storage pool IDs
xe sr-probe type=cslg device-config:target= | grep storageSystemId
4. Add the desired storage system ID to the sr-probe command to identify the storage pools available
within the specified storage system
xe sr-probe type=cslg \
device-config:target= \ device-config:storageSystemId=HP__EVA__50014380013C0240
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<displayName>Default Disk Group</displayName>
<friendlyName>Default Disk Group</friendlyName>
You can use grep to filter the sr-probe output to just the storage pool IDs
xe sr-probe type=cslg \
device-config:target= \
device-config:storageSystemId=HP__EVA__50014380013C0240 \
| grep storagePoolId
5. Create the SR specifying the desired storage system and storage pool IDs
xe sr-create type=cslg name-label=CSLG_EVA_1 shared=true \
device-config:target= \
device-config:storageSystemId=HP__EVA__50014380013C0240 \
Managing Storage Repositories
This section covers various operations required in the ongoing management of Storage Repositories (SRs).