To add NIC bonds to the pool master and other hosts
1. Use the network-create command to create a new pool-wide network for use with the bonded NICs.
This step should only be performed once per pool. The UUID of the new network is returned.
xe network-create name-label=<bond0>
2. Use XenCenter or the vm-shutdown command to shut down all VMs in the host pool to force all existing
VIFs to be unplugged from their current networks. The existing VIFs will be invalid after the bond is
xe vm-shutdown uuid=<vm_uuid>
3. Use the host-list command to find the UUID of the host being configured:
xe host-list
4. Use the pif-list command to determine the UUIDs of the PIFs to use in the bond. Include the host-
uuid parameter to list only the PIFs on the host being configured:
xe pif-list host-uuid=<host_uuid>
5. Use the bond-create command to create the bond, specifying the network UUID created in step 1 and
the UUIDs of the PIFs to be bonded, separated by commas. The UUID for the bond is returned.
xe bond-create network-uuid=<network_uuid> pif-uuids=<pif_uuid_1>,<pif_uuid_2>
See the section called “Controlling the MAC address of the bond” for details on controlling the MAC address
used for the bond PIF.
6. Use the pif-list command to determine the UUID of the new bond PIF. Include the host-uuid
parameter to list only the PIFs on the host being configured:
xe pif-list device=bond0 host-uuid=<host_uuid>
7. Use the pif-reconfigure-ip command to configure the desired management interface IP address
settings for the bond PIF. See Appendix A, Command line interface for more detail on the options
available for the pif-reconfigure-ip command. This command must be run directly on the host:
xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=<bond_pif_uuid> mode=DHCP
8. Use the host-management-reconfigure command to move the management interface from the
existing physical PIF to the bond PIF. This step will activate the bond. This command must be run
directly on the host:
xe host-management-reconfigure pif-uuid=<bond_pif_uuid>
9. Use the pif-reconfigure-ip command to remove the IP address configuration from the non-bonded PIF
previously used for the management interface. This step is not strictly necessary, but might help reduce
confusion when reviewing the host networking configuration. This command must be run directly on
the host:
xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=<old_management_pif_uuid> mode=None
10. Move existing VMs to the bond network using the vif-destroy and vif-create commands. This step can
also be completed using XenCenter by editing the VM configuration and connecting the existing VIFs
of the VM to the bond network.
11. Repeat steps 3 - 10 for other hosts.
12. Restart the VMs previously shut down.