• General information on NetApp products
• Data ONTAP
• FlexVol
• FlexClone
• Snapshot
• FilerView
Creating a shared NetApp SR over iSCSI
Device-config parameters for netapp SRs:
Parameter Name Description Optional?
target the IP address or hostname of the NetApp server that hosts
the SR
port the port to use for connecting to the NetApp server that hosts
the SR. Default is port 80.
usehttps specifies whether to use a secure TLS-based connection to
the NetApp server that hosts the SR [true|false]. Default is
username the login username used to manage the LUNs on the filer no
password the login password used to manage the LUNs on the filer no
aggregate the aggregate name on which the FlexVol is created Required for
FlexVols the number of FlexVols to allocate to each SR yes
chapuser the username for CHAP authentication yes
chappassword the password for CHAP authentication yes
allocation specifies whether to provision LUNs using thick or thin
provisioning. Default is thick
asis specifies whether to use FAS Deduplication if available.
Default is false
Setting the SR other-config:multiplier parameter to a valid value adjusts the default multiplier
attribute. By default XenServer allocates 2.4 times the requested space to account for snapshot and
metadata overhead associated with each LUN. To save disk space, you can set the multiplier to a value >=
1. Setting the multiplier should only be done with extreme care by system administrators who understand
the space allocation constraints of the NetApp filer. If you try to set the amount to less than 1, for example,
in an attempt to pre-allocate very little space for the LUN, the attempt will most likely fail.
Setting the SR other-config:enforce_allocation parameter to true resizes the FlexVols to
precisely the amount specified by either the multiplier value above, or the default 2.4 value.