Do not attempt to create network bonds while HA is enabled. The process of bond creation will disturb the
in-progress HA heartbeating and cause hosts to self-fence (shut themselves down); subsequently they will
likely fail to reboot properly and will need the host-emergency-ha-disable command to recover.
Adding NIC bonds to new resource pools
1. Select the host you want to be the master. The master host belongs to an unnamed pool by default. To
create a resource pool with the CLI, rename the existing nameless pool:
xe pool-param-set name-label=<"New Pool"> uuid=<pool_uuid>
2. Create the NIC bond on the master as follows:
a. Use the network-create command to create a new pool-wide network for use with the bonded
NICs. The UUID of the new network is returned.
xe network-create name-label=<network_name>
b. Use the pif-list command to determine the UUIDs of the PIFs to use in the bond:
xe pif-list
c. Use the bond-create command to create the bond, specifying the network UUID created in step a
and the UUIDs of the PIFs to be bonded, separated by commas. The UUID for the bond is returned:
xe bond-create network-uuid=<network_uuid> pif-uuids=<pif_uuid_1>,<pif_uuid_2>
See the section called “Controlling the MAC address of the bond” for details on controlling the MAC address
used for the bond PIF.
d. Use the pif-list command to determine the UUID of the new bond PIF:
xe pif-list network-uuid=<network_uuid>
e. Use the pif-reconfigure-ip command to configure the desired management interface IP address
settings for the bond PIF. See Appendix A, Command line interface, for more detail on the options
available for the pif-reconfigure-ip command.
xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=<bond_pif_uuid> mode=DHCP
f. Use the host-management-reconfigure command to move the management interface from the
existing physical PIF to the bond PIF. This step will activate the bond:
xe host-management-reconfigure pif-uuid=<bond_pif_uuid>
g. Use the pif-reconfigure-ip command to remove the IP address configuration from the non-bonded
PIF previously used for the management interface. This step is not strictly necessary but might
help reduce confusion when reviewing the host networking configuration.
xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=<old_management_pif_uuid> mode=None
3. Open a console on a host that you want to join to the pool and run the command:
xe pool-join master-address=<host1> master-username=root master-password=<password>
The network and bond information is automatically replicated to the new host. However, the
management interface is not automatically moved from the host NIC to the bonded NIC. Move the
management interface on the host to enable the bond as follows: