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DMA Module
D17:16 R/W SIZE 0 Data operand size
00 32 bit
01 16 bit
10 8 bit
11 Reserved
Used to define the size of each DMA transaction
when the DMA controller is configured for external
request mode (DMA channel 3 only) or memory-to-
memory DMA mode.
D15:10 R STATE 0 Current DMA channel state (shown in binary)
000000 — IDLE
000001 — Load source buffer address
000100 — Load destination buffer address
001000 — First operand
010000 — Memory-to-memory second operand
100000 — Update buffer description
Describes the current state of the DMA controller
state machine.
D09:00 R INDEX 0 Current DMA channel buffer descriptor index
Identifies the DMA controller’s current byte offset
pointer relative to the DMA buffer descriptor
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
Table 50: DMA Control register bit definition