Ethernet Module
Register bit assignment
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
D31:16 R RXSIZE 0 Receive buffer size in bytes
Provides the number of bytes contained in the next
packet to be read from the Ethernet receive FIFO.
When using DMA mode, the RXSIZE field is also
copied to the buffer length field in the DMA buffer
D15 R RXCE 0 Receive carrier event previously seen
Set to 1 to indicate that the MAC received a carrier
event from the Ethernet PHY since the last time a
receive packet event was recorded in this status
register. The carrier event is not associated with
this particular packet.
A carrier event is defined as any activity on the
receive channel that does not result in a packet
receive attempt.
D14 R RXDV 0 Receive data violation event previously seen
Set to 1 to indicate that, at some point since the
last recorded receive packet, a receive data
violation was detected, noted, and reported with
this receive packet event. The receive data event is
not associated with this particular packet.
A receive data violation event occurs when there is
no valid preamble and start frame delimiter (SFD) in
the data stream.
D13 R RXOK 0 Receive packet OK
Set to 1 to indicate that the next packet in the
receive FIFO has been received without any errors.
When this bit is set, the RXREGR and RXFIFOH bits
in the Ethernet General Status register become
active and the packet can be emptied (using
interrupts, polling, or DMA). When the packet has
been emptied, RXREGR and RXFIFOH become
inactive until the next receive buffer is ready.
Table 59: Ethernet Receive Status register bit definition