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Ethernet Module
Register bit assignment
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
D31:15 N/A Reserved N/A N/A
D14 R/W EDEFER 0 Excess Deferral
1 Allows the MAC to defer to carrier indefinitely,
per the 802.3u standard.
0 The MAC aborts when the excessive deferral
limit is reached. The MAC provides feedback to
the host system (through a transmit abort
condition defined in the Transmit Status
register (see "TXAED" on page 171).
D13 R/W BACKP 0 Backpressure/NO back off
0 After a collision, the MAC waits a random
amount of time to retransmit packets (“back
1 After a collision, the MAC immediately
retransmits packets without backoff. This
reduces the chance of further collisions and
ensures that transmit packets are sent.
D12 R/W NOBO 0 No back off
When this bit is set to 1, the MAC immediately
retransmits after a collision, rather than using the
binary exponential back off algorithm defined in the
802.3u standard.
D11:10 N/A Reserved N/A N/A
D09 R/W LONGP 0 Long preamble enforcement
1 The MAC allows only those receive packets
that contain preamble fields less than 12 bytes
in length.
0 The MAC allows any length preamble, as
defined in the 802.3u standard.
D08 R/W PUREP 0 Pure preamble enforcement
1 The MAC verifies the preamble‘s content to
ensure it contains
’h55 and is error-free. A
packet with errors in the preamble is discarded.
0 There is no preamble checking.
Table 61: MAC Configuration Register 2 bit definition