EFE configuration
NS7520 Hardware Reference, Rev. D 03/2006
Collision Window/Collision Retry register
Address: FF80 0410
Register bit assignment
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
D31:14 N/A Reserved N/A N/A
D13:08 R/W CWIN
Collision window
A programmable field that represents the slot time
or collision window during which collisions occur in
properly configured networks. The collision
window starts at transmission, and includes the
preamble and start frame delimiter (SFD).
The default value for this field is
’h37 (55d), which
corresponds to the frame byte count at the end of
the window.
D07:04 N/A Reserved N/A N/A
D03:00 R/W RETX
Retransmission maximum
A programmable field that specifies the number of
retransmission attempts allowed after a collision,
before aborting the packet due to excessive
The 802.3u standard specifies an
attemptLimit of
’hF (15d).
Table 65: Collision Window/Collision Retry register bit definition
13121110987654321015 14
31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 1630