EFE configuration
NS7520 Hardware Reference, Rev. D 03/2006
D15 R TXOK 0 Packet transmitted OK
Set to 1 when the last Ethernet packet was
transmitted without error.
Set to 0 when the last Ethernet packet was
not transmitted.
When the bit is set to 1, the frame has been
delivered and emptied from the transmit FIFO.
TXREGE and TXFIFOH in the Ethernet General
Status register become active when the FIFO is
ready to start receiving the next packet.
TXBC in the Ethernet General Status register
becomes active when TXOK is set.
D14 R TXBR 0 Broadcast packet transmitted
Set to 1 to indicate that the last Ethernet packet
transmitted was a broadcast packet.
D13 R TXMC 0 Multicast packet transmitted
Set to 1 to indicate that the last Ethernet packet
transmitted was a multicast packet.
D12 R TXAL 0 Transmit abort — late collision
Set to 1 to indicate that the last Ethernet packet
was not transmitted successfully; packet
transmission was aborted due to a late collision
When this bit is set, the transmit frame is
automatically flushed from the transmit FIFO.
TXREGE and TXFIFOH in the Ethernet General
Status register become active when the FIFO is
ready to start receiving the next packet.
TXBC in the Ethernet General Status register
becomes active when TXAL is set.
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
Table 58: Ethernet Transmit Status register bit definition