5-3CrossPoint 450 Plus and MAV Plus Switchers • Matrix Software
4. Follow the on-screen instructions. By default, the Windows installation of the
Matrix Switchers Control Program creates a C:\Program Files\Extron\
Matrix_Switcher directory, and it places three icons into a group folder named
“Extron Electronics\Matrix Switchers.” The three installed icons are:
• MATRIX Switcher+ Control Program
• MATRIX Switcher+ Help
• Uninstall MATRIX Switcher
The CrossPoint 450 Plus or MAV Plus switcher can support remote control
via either the rear panel Remote RS-232/RS-422 port or the front panel
Configuration port (matrix sizes up to 1616).
Remote RS-232/RS-422 port — The port can be configured for either the
RS-232 or RS-422 serial communication protocol and operate at the 9600,
19200, 38400, or 115200 baud rate. See “Selecting the rear panel Remote port
protocol and baud rate” in chapter 3, “Operation”, to configure the rear panel
port from the front panel.
Configuration port (matrix sizes up to 1616 only) — The port supports
RS-232 serial communication protocol only. The port can operate at the 9600,
19200, 38400, or 115200 baud rate, but Extron recommends leaving this
port at the 9600 baud rate. See the Set serial port parameters command on
page 4-19 to configure either port using an SIS command.
Software operation via Ethernet
When a CrossPoint 450 Plus or MAV Plus switcher is connected to an Ethernet
WAN or LAN, any number of users can operate it, locally or remotely, using the
Matrix Switchers Control Program. See “Ethernet connection” in chapter 2,
“Installation”, for installation details.
Connection to the switcher via the Ethernet is password protected. There are two
levels of password protection: administrator and user. Administrators have full
access to all CrossPoint 450 Plus or MAV Plus switching capabilities and editing
functions. Users can select inputs and outputs, set and recall presets, and view all
settings with the exception of passwords. If the same password or no password is
required for logging on, all personnel log on with administrator privileges. Fields
and functions that exceed user privileges are grayed out in the Matrix Switchers
Control Program when the operator is logged on as a user.
Ethernet protocol settings
The IP Settings/Options screen (figure 5-7 on page 5-7) provides a location for
viewing and, if connected via a serial port or if logged on via the Ethernet port as
an administrator, editing settings unique to the Ethernet interface. See
“IP Settings/Options window” later in this chapter for more details.