5-7CrossPoint 450 Plus and MAV Plus Switchers • Matrix Software
IP Settings/Options window
The IP Settings/Options window (figure 5-7) provides a location for viewing and,
if connected via either serial port or if logged on via the Ethernet port as an
administrator, editing settings unique to the Ethernet interface. See appendix A,
“Ethernet Connection”, for basic information about IP addresses. None of the
fields on this screen can be edited while you are logged on as a user.
Figure 5-7 — Control program IP setting/options window
Editing variables on the IP Settings/Options screen while connected via the
Ethernet port can immediately disconnect the user from the switcher. Extron
recommends editing the settings on this screen using a serial port and
protecting the Ethernet access to this screen by assigning an administrator’s
password to qualified and knowledgeable personnel only.
When the control program is connected to the switcher via a serial port, the
Administrator and User Password fields are not masked. If a password has
been inadvertently changed to an unknown value, you can look up and, if
desired, change a password in this window without knowing the current