
Figure 1-1: System Frame
Click the IP address in the IP Address field of the System frame to open a telnet window that
launches a CLI session to the switch.
Click the email address in the Support Contact field to send an email message to technical
•Click Help to open online help.
The System frame displays and updates the status of the cards, power supplies, and fans in your device.
Each number in the Cards, Power Supplies, and Fans fields identifies a field-replaceable unit (FRU)
in your device based on the slot number in which it resides. The color of the slot number indicates the
status of the FRU. Table 1-1 lists the colors in the display and explains what each color indicates.
Tree Frame
The Tree frame appears on the lower-left-hand side of the CM display and provides a navigation tree
that groups the functional branches of your device under icons. Figure 1-2 displays an example of the
Tree frame.
Figure 1-2: Tree Frame
NOTE: Figure 1-2 displays a Tree frame for a user with unrestricted access. Restricted users may see
fewer icons. For more information, refer to “Understanding Access Privileges” on page 15.
Table 1-1: FRU Color Indicators
Color Indication
green Operational and administrative status of up.
gray Administrative status of down.
red Operational status of down.