
9. Click the Apply button, then click the Close button.
Viewing ITL Policies of the LUN
To view the details of the initiator-target-LUN (ITL) groups to which a LUN belongs:
1. Expand the Fibre Channel icon in the Tree frame.
2. Click the Logical Units branch. A Logical Units table that includes all FC targets that connect to
the chassis appears in the View frame.
3. Click the radio button next to the LUN whose ITLs you want to view.
4. Select Show ITL Policies from the Show Options pulldown menu. The ITLs display appears in
the View frame, but lists only ITLs that include the LUN that you selected. For more information,
refer to “Viewing ITLs” on page 78 or see Table 7-10.
Viewing IT Policies
To view Initiator-Target (IT) pair properties:
1. Expand the Fibre Channel icon in the Tree frame.
2. Click the ITs branch. The ITs table appears in the View frame. Table 7-8 lists and describes the
fields in this table.
Viewing IT Properties
To view detailed IT pair properties:
1. Expand the Fibre Channel icon in the Tree frame.
2. Click the ITs branch. The ITs table appears in the View frame.
3. Click the radio button next to the IT pair whose properties you want to view, then click the
Properties button. The SRP IT Properties window opens. Table 7-9 lists and describes the
elements in this window.
Table 7-8: ITs Table Fields
Field Description
SRP Initiator ID GUID of the initiator (host).
Target WWPN WWPN of the target.
Current Access Physical FC gateway port through which the host currently accesses the
Physical Access Physical FC gateway port(s) through which the host can access the target.
Table 7-9: SRP IT Properties Window Elements
Element Description
SRP Initiator ID field GUID of the host.
Target WWPN field WWPN of the target.
Description field User-assigned description of the IT.
Current Access field Physical FC gateway port through which the host currently accesses the
Physical Access field Physical FC gateway port(s) through which the host can access the target.