
Configuring Date and Time Properties
An internal clock runs on your device, but we recommend that you configure your device to access a
network time protocol (NTP) server to synchronize your device with your network.
Configuring Date and Time
To configure the date and time of the internal clock on your device:
1. Expand the Maintenance icon in the Tree frame.
2. Click the Time branch. The Date and Time Properties display appears in the View frame.
3. In the Date field, enter the date in the MM/DD/YY format.
4. In the Time field, enter the time in HH:MM:SS format.
5. Click the Apply button.
Assigning NTP Servers
To configure your device to use an NTP server to synchronize your Server Switch with the network:
1. Expand the Maintenance icon in the Tree frame.
2. Click the Time branch. The Date and Time Properties display appears in the View frame.
3. In the NTP Server 1 field, enter the IP address of the NTP server that you want your switch to use.
4. (Optional) In the NTP Server 2 field, enter the IP address of the NTP server that you want your
switch to use in the event that your switch cannot access the primary NTP server.
5. (Optional) In the NTP Server 3 field, enter the IP address of the NTP server that you want your
switch to use in the event that your switch cannot access the primary or secondary NTP servers.
6. Click the Apply button.
NOTE: When your device cannot access a NTP server, it defaults to the on-board clock.
Viewing Files in the File System
To view file sthat reside on your device (for example, image files, log files, and configuration files) :
1. Expand the Maintenance icon in the Tree frame.
2. Click the File Management branch. The File Management table appears in the View frame.
Table 4-2 lists and describes the fields in this table.
Table 4-2: File Management Table Fields
Field Description
Slot ID Slot of the controller card on which the file resides.
Name Name of the file.
Type Type of file. The following types may appear:
Size Size of the file, in bytes.