
Software Management
Premium License Switch Software Features
Software Management
Premium License Switch Software Features
The ProCurve 3500yl and 5400zl switches ship with the ProCurve Intelligent Edge software feature
set. The additional Premium License switch software features for the 3500yl and 5400zl switches can
be acquired by purchasing the optional Premium License and installing it on the Intelligent Edge
version of these switches. As of February 2008, the Premium License features include the following:
PIM Dense mode
PIM Sparse mode
Part numbers for the Premium Licenses are:
3500yl switches: J8993A
5400zl switches: J8994A
All software features are automatically included on the ProCurve 6200yl and 8212zl switches without
the need for a Premium License.
To purchase a Premium License for the 3500yl or 5400zl switches, go to the following Web page and
click on How To Buy.
To view or download a listing of Intelligent Edge and Premium License features, refer to the Software
Features Index available for download on the product documentation page for your switch model.
Switch software Version K.11.33 software or newer is required for proper functioning of Intelligent
Edge features on ProCurve Switch 3500yl series, and ProCurve Switch 5400zl series
Software Updates
Check the ProCurve Networking Web site frequently for free software updates for the various
ProCurve switches you may have in your network.