
Minimum Software Versions
Maximum UDP Broadcast Forwarding Entries:
The number of UDP broadcast entries and IP helper addresses combined can be up to 16 per
VLAN, with an overall maximum of 2048 on the switch. An earlier version of the Multicast
and Routing Guide (page 5-142) had incorrectly stated that the overall maximum is 256.
Reload Command Description
Syntax: Reload
This command boots the switch from the currently active flash image and startup-config file.
Because reload bypasses some subsystem self-tests, the switch boots faster than if you use a
boot command. Note: To identify the currently active startup-config file, use the show config files
command. (This is a clarification of Syntax: Reload (page 6.33) in the Management and
Configuration Guide.)
Using Reload
The reload command reboots the switch from the flash image on which you are currently booted
(primary or secondary) or the flash image that was set either by the boot set-default command or
by the last executed boot system flash <primary | secondary> command. Because reload bypasses
some subsystem self-tests, the switch reboots faster than when you use either of the boot
command options. If you are using redundant management and redundancy is enabled when
using reload, the switch will failover to the other management module. (This is a clarification of
Using Reload (page 6.24) in the Management and Configuration Guide.)
MSTP mCheck:
Unlike other MSTP parameters, 'mCheck' is not a configurable option. It is a flag that tells
MSTP to initiate transmission of RST/MST BPDUs for a MigrateTime (3 secs) period, to test
whether all STP Bridges on the attached LAN have been removed and the Port can migrate
to the native MSTP mode and use RST/MST BPDUs for transmission. The 'mCheck' is always
cleared (set FALSE) prior to port initialization.
V i r us - T h r ott l in g ( C on n e c t io n - r a t e fil t er i n g ) :
As of release K.12.01, this feature enables notification of worm-like behavior detected on all
inbound IP traffic. (The Advanced Traffic Management Guide retains some incorrect references
to filtering on IP routed traffic only.)
Some of the earlier ProCurve MSTP implementations allowed the 'mCheck' option to be a configu-
rable parameter. It was stored in the config. That was corrected beginning with version K.12.04.