Software Management
Best Practices for Major Software Updates
This step will enable you to revert from K_13_05 to your previous image with your previous
configuration just by invoking the command boot system flash secondary.
6. Download the new primary image.
Switch1# copy tftp flash K_13_06.swi primary
The Primary OS Image will be deleted, continue [y/n]?
At the prompt, answer y, for yes, and the new image will be downloaded and written to the File
system. Once tftp download has been completed you will see the following message:
Validating and Writing System Software to the Filesystem ...
7. Verify that your images and configuration are set correctly. For example, if you updated from
K.12.57 to K.13.06, you should see the following outputs from the switch show commands:
Switch1# show version
Image stamp: /sw/code/build/btm(t2g)
Mar 14 2008 09:59:53
Boot Image: Primary
Switch1# show flash
Image Size(Bytes) Date Version
----- ---------- -------- -------
Primary Image : 7350018 03/14/08 K.13.06
Secondary Image : 6782942 12/07/07 K.12.57
Boot Rom Version: K.12.12
Default Boot : Primary
Switch1# show config files
Configuration files:
id | act pri sec | name
1 | * * | config1
2 | * | config2
3 | |